Registration Portal Video
The following is a list of rules we expect to be followed by every student. Please read this information carefully to avoid confusion and inconsistencies. Teachers have the right to refuse a student participation in class, if any of the rules are not followed.
Dance is an art that requires discipline, commitment, practice and effort, as well as, passion. In order to keep dance at the level of respect it deserves – technique, attendance, and proper attire are integral elements of our studio. Please help us keep dance an esteemed art by bringing a positive, hardworking and committed attitude to class.
New students are given four weeks to purchase proper dance attire. Please do not wear dance shoes as street shoes. Students must wear cover-ups over their dance clothes when entering and leaving the studio. Proper dress code for each class is listed under class descriptions. If you have any questions regarding dress code, please contact us at
Should classes be cancelled by weather or emergency, you will be notified by email and it will also be posted on this website’s ‘Home’ page. (, face book page, and twitter page. If you wish for your child to make up the class, they may take another class similar in level via Zoom. Class size depends on enrollment, age, advancement, and instructor’s preference.
Make sure your child’s bathroom needs are taken care of BEFORE entering the classroom
Please do not talk during class
Students must be properly dressed to attend class. A solid color leotard, tights, and appropriate footwear must be worn.
Hair must be worn in a bun for all ballet classes and pulled back and tightly secured for all other classes
No street shoes in classroom
Jewelry is not permitted in any class
No Chewing Gum in class
Food is not permitted in the studio
Please label all belongings with your dancer’s name (including water bottles)
Clean up after yourself, and dispose of all trash in garbage cans
If you need to speak with a teacher, please call the office and leave a message (please include your phone number) or e-mail us at and the teacher will respond as soon as possible.
Please check your email each week for current events and updated information. Also check this website frequently for up-to-the-minute posts.
Children ARE NOT automatically advanced to the next level every year. Technique and theory must be mastered to the teacher’s satisfaction in order to move to a higher level. Cecchetti ballet classes require an exam. Students interested in taking a Cecchetti exam are required to take two ballet classes per week.
Placing students is a very individualized and complex process. Student progress is regularly evaluated in order to provide the best opportunity for learning. We place students in classes where they can simultaneously build self-confidence and feel challenged. One student may respond to the complexities of a more difficult class by working harder, while another may feel frustrated and become discouraged. The faculty bases their class placement decisions on numerous years of dance training and teaching experience as well as their knowledge of each student.
To help aid with the growth of the student, your child’s teacher will fill out a midpoint and year-end review which will be available in the parent portal. This review will provide the parent with the status of their child’s achievement according to syllabus, attendance and behavior while in the classroom.