Benefits of Ballet:

    •    Discipline of mind and body

    •    Coordination

    •    Grace and Poise

    •    Muscle Toning

    •    Alignment and posture

    •    Understanding Team Concepts

    •    Understanding and appreciating the art of dance

    •    Learning to be a good audience member

    •    Exposure to classical music

    •    Love of dance


Health Benefits:

1. Strength- Dancers build muscles by forcing muscles to resist against a dancers own body weight.

2. Flexibility- Dancers strive to achieve full range of motion with their muscle groups.

3. Endurance- Dancers train muscles to work hard for long periods of time without fatigue.

4. Sense of Well-Being- Dancers interact socially with peers which is shown to increase confidence and improve social skills.

5. Coordination and Balance: Dancers train both fine and large motor muscles through repetitive floor progressions and center floor work.

School Benefits:

1. Discipline- Dancers achieve success in the classroom through hard work and practice. This work ethic transfers over into the classroom.

2. Respect- Dancers are expected to thank instructors at the end of each class. In addition, dancers are taught to say thank you when given a correction.

3. Creativity/Discovery- Dancers are taught a dance curriculum but are often asked to express what they feel during a choreographed piece. Sometimes the students movement is so unique and inspiring that the teacher adds the movement to the piece.

4. Enhanced Concentration- Dancers perform small combination's at the end of class. Each choreographed section must be picked up quickly in order to move on to the next 8 counts. Once mastered, students are challenged to perform these combination's facing different sides of the room as well as performing each combo in geometric shapes.

5. Learned Listening Skills- Dancers must listen to the teacher to succeed in class. Examples include barre work directions, floor stretches, across the floor progressions, and class combination's.

6. Confidence- Dancers increase their self-esteem each time they master a step in class. Students continue to build esteem by performing at local performances/recitals. Hence, students are confident giving school reports and interviewing for jobs and colleges.

7. Fitness- Dancers develop motor skills, coordination, and balance in the classroom. These skills are transferred into P.E classes and are applied to fitness tests.