“Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn’t music”
― William Edgar Stafford”
Main Stage Center for the Arts has a unique star program for our littlest dancers.
Twinkling Stars
(Must be 2.5 by September 1st)
Twinkling Star program consists of three genres of pre-dance over the 10 month dance session. This format keeps the introduction to dance new and exciting. It is intended to give the children a fun first experience in dance and prepares them for future classes. These classes are one half-hour long, once a week, from September through June.
September-December Ballet. This class begins the child’s dance education with creative movement, exercises for gross motor skills (jumping jacks, skips, hops), nursery rhymes, and pre-ballet steps such as plie, releve, tendu, and feet and arm positions.
January-March Tumbling - Tumbling teaches physical coordination, strength and flexibility with forward rolls, handstands, and other pre-gymnastic steps on mats.
April-June Tap- Beginning tap steps, rhythm, and musicality.
This is a performance class. Participation is optional.
For your convenience our dress code has changed.
Girls - Twinkling Stars are to wear any solid color leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers or black buckle tap shoes. A modest skirt may be worn in class.
Hair - Is to be pulled back off the face in ponytail or braids.
Boys - Wear comfortable clothes, black ballet slippers and black tap shoes
Shining Stars
(Must be 4 by September 1st)
Shining Star program is based on individual subjects for the 10 month session. You may select one class or multiple classes for this age level. These classes are one half-hour long, once a week, from September through June.
Shining Stars Ballet - pre-ballet steps such as plie, releve, tendu, and feet and arm positions.
Shining Stars Tap - Toe, Heels, Shuffles, Ball Change, rhythm and musicality.
Shining Stars Tumbling - Tumbling teaches physical coordination, strength and flexibility with forward rolls, handstands, and other pre-gymnastic steps on mats.
These are performance classes. Participation is optional.
For your convenience our dress code has changed.
Girls - Shining Stars are to wear any solid color leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers or black buckle tap shoes. A modest class may be worn in class.
Hair - Ballet classes hair should be in a bun. Tumbling, Jazz and Tap it must be pulled back off the face in ponytails or braids.
Boys - Wear comfortable clothes, black ballet slippers and black tap shoes
How to make a bun